Behavior Evolution can help you better understand
an obstacle that you or someone else is experiencing.
Working on improving the way the influential people in a child's life communicate with them and getting everyone on the same page.
- Parents
- Caregivers
- Siblings
- Teachers
Working with setting limits and enforcing the norms of the household.
- Bedtime
- Homework
- Chores
- Play time
- Getting ready for school
Providing observations in the settings from a third-person perspective in which challenging behaviors are interfering with day-to-day routines and reporting the findings.
Are your reactions and actions with your child appropriate and sending the message of positive behaviors?
A comprehensive behavior assessment that employs several factors in determining the cause of challenging behaviors. Includes a full report of data and findings from those factors.
After observations and sharing the report of those observations, implementing behavior plans to work with the challenging behaviors and turning those obstacles into positive opportunities.
Small-group, hands-on practice with real-world examples to better understand how to work with behaviors.
Larger groups learning the nature of behavior and developing a better aptitude toward understanding and evaluating behavior.
Behavioral Assessments and Observations
Explanation of findings
Crisis prevention skills
Positive support strategies to
Increase independence and self-sufficiency
Reduce/eliminate challenging behavior
Functional skills training
Caregiver training
Let's talk and see if working together is the right fit
Determine which services will be serve your needs
Schedule an appointment